July 6 2022
| 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Snowbird mountain run.
Run along the dirt trails and open spaces. Experience the amazing vistas, trees, and wildflowers. The Short Course (3-5 miles) and Long Course (7-9 miles) accommodate the needs of all skill levels. Giveaways and awards for all categories will be awarded post-race.
LONG COURSE = 7.25 miles, 2000 ft elevation gain
Start at Creekview next to the bottom of Gadzoom lift, run up the dirt road a short distance, left onto Deans Delight Tr., left on double track, right on the dirt road next to the bridge (where we started the race in years past), up the dirt road past Snowbird Center and Cliff Lodge, onto the pavement for 100 yards, up to Black Jack Return Single Track, right and up Black Jack Rd., right on Rothman Rd., left up Big Mountain Tr. (single track) to Mid Gad Restaurant, right down Gad Valley rd., right on Rothman rd., immediately left down Big Mountain Tr., merge into Midway Tr., run thru meadow passing the Midway Loading Station, onto the first part of Baby Thunder Tr., left down the road for a short stretch, left on 2nd part of Baby Thunder Tr., left on the dirt road back to Finish (Creekview)
SHORT COURSE = 4.6 miles, 877 ft of elevation gain
Start at Creekview next to the bottom of Gadzoom lift, run up a dirt road for a short stretch, left onto Deans Delight Tr., left on double track, right on a dirt road next to the bridge (where we started the race in years past), up the dirt road past Snowbird Center, right and up Peruvian Gulch Tr.l (steep Mama!), right onto Chauner’s Loop Tr., right and down Dick Bass Hwy, left onto Midway Tr., thru Meadow passing the Midway Loading Station, onto the first part of Baby Thunder Tr., left down the road for a short stretch, left on 2nd part of Baby Thunder Tr., left on the dirt road back to Finish.
Registration begins at 5 pm
Race start is at 6:30 pm
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