Jupiter Lift is Open!

By Powderhound Matt Dec 21, 2016
The legendary Jupiter Chair Lift at Park City is officially open! Our current snow conditions could be better!
Jupiter Lift is Open!

Christmas came early this year! The legendary Jupiter Chair of Park City Mountain has officially opened for the season. For those of use who love skiing Pow,  there is not better chairlift in the Wasatch Back that can consistently deliver the goods. The old double chair does exactly what it's supposed to. The slow double chair really helps to maintain great snow up at 10,000 for hours and hours after the chair has been opened. Many resorts these days have opted to go with the high speed 6 or 8 packs to get you to their choice terrain. Not here, PC has kept it old school and every time I ride this thing, I've got a grin ear to ear.  There is just something super special about being hoisted up to the top of the resort on an old fashion double chair. I love it! 

Here is what the opening of Jupiter looked like on Monday. 

Pretty sure all this skiing will work up your appetite. Check out Park City Mountain's top digs, The Farm