Five Longest Ski Runs in Utah

By Khai Ikigai Dec 13, 2022
Among the great things Utah resorts offer, one of the greatest are the long drawn out runs. Here are the five of the longest runs in Utah.
Five Longest Ski Runs in Utah

As you near the lift and your focus can shift from linking turns to your surroundings you realize something tragic; it’s nearing closing time. The ropes that guided crowds to form organized lines are gone, lifties are working their closing duties with an “almost off work” zealous and the crowd has thinned. Your day has read like a good book and you want this closing chapter to linger longer than the others. In part because you don’t want it to end and because you just want to soak in the entirety of your trip to the mountains. This next run will be your last, so let’s make it a long one. 

Disclaimer: This is a list of the five longest runs in Utah in their entirety. There are no link-ups here, just long runs. Hence why Deer Valley’s 2.8 mile Ontario > Homeward Bound > McHenry’s > Sultan isn’t on the list.


#5 Snowbasin Resort's Elk Ridge

Accessed by Strawberry Gondola
Grade: Blue
Length: 2 miles

The views from the top of Strawberry Gondola are breathtaking, and not just from the thin air. Once your senses' appetite is satisfied from drinking in sights, enjoy a drawn-out blue run that varies in width. At times Elk Ridge is wide enough for those carving-centric boarders to trench out full euro carves. Of this list, Elk Ridge is my hands-down favorite for fresh corduroy!


#4 Powder Mountain's Amy’s 3 Mile Run

Accessed by Timberline
Grade: Green
Length: 2.25 miles

I’m guessing you’re confused by this name. That makes two of us. I measured, remeasured, double-checked the ski maps and measured one more time. While the name might be the result of some rounding-up efforts, the joy experienced on this run far exceeds three miles. Even on weekends, I’ve had sections of this run to myself. Well manicured tree runs surround Amy’s, offering riders plenty of chances to dance between the aspen giants and then return back to the groomer.


#3 Solitude Mountain Resort's Wood Lawn

Accessed by Summit Express
Grade: Black
Length: 2.28 miles

Nestled in the middle of the list and the middle of the sweet Honey Comb Canyon comes the only black diamond in our list of long runs. Wood Lawn is accessed through a gate that can act as a preserver of pristine snow.  It’s not uncommon for snow to remain untouched for a day or two while ski patrol ensures safe conditions for the area. This can result in some of the softest and fastest turns when the gate is finally opened. 



#2 Snowbird's Chip’s Run

Accessed by Aerial Tram for the full run, also accessible from Peruvian
Grade: Blue
Length: 2.85 miles

Your mom calls with a story for you. It starts with her friend Lanette’s dog running into the garden and an hour later ends with her investing in BitCoin. When the call ends, your head is left spinning from the twists, turns and sheer length of that thrill ride. Was that a phone call or an M Night Shyamalan movie? That’s Chips.

Mount Superior, in all her majesty, cheers you on from across the street as you get ready to head down from the top. Chip’s Run starts with what looks like a 100 meter diving board before banking right. Then the twists and turns begin. All along this run are options for steeper black runs that often rejoin Chip’s. Follow a local’s line and find a few side hits and knuckles to add spice to the run-on sentence that is Chip’s Run.

This run is my all-around favorite because of the variety and views. 


#1 Park City Mountain's Home Run

Accessed from Pioneer for the full run also accessible from Bonanza
Grade: Green
Length: 3.5 miles

If Chip’s is a call from your mom, Home Run is a call from your grandma. The call lasts a bit longer, but without the chaos and with the continued calm only your grandma has on you. Home Run stretches a bit further but has a constant mellow pitch that makes this run a dream to cruise. This is an ideal run for a family party lap, especially if there are any beginners in your tribe. When I’m dedicating time to dial in something like switch riding or wanting to teach someone how to snowboard, this is my go-to.

Tip: make sure to keep your speed as you near Bonanza as this area flattens out pretty dramatically.