Elliott Redwine
Elliott Redwine

Elliott grew up in Southern California and spent only a handful of days maneuvering rental snowboards (clumsily) down sparsely-covered, sun-baked, low elevation SoCal slopes, but was determined to end up somewhere with no shortage of snow, and where the ski lifts were easily accessible. Post college, he planned to move to Colorado and bump chairs but quickly decided that Utah was the right choice knowing it has The Greatest Snow on Earth® and family nearby. 

Elliott landed just outside of Ogden in April 2021 and started making up for lost time as soon as he unloaded his bike from the moving truck. Limited time on snow meant he arrived with an almost completely fresh slate, so he swapped out his snowboard for skis and learned to ski as an adult! What Elliott lacks in lifelong ski experience he makes up for in endless enthusiasm, bottomless stoke, and an unwavering love for the mountains that have quickly become home.


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